DOJO – The place where one practises
JUDO KA – One who practises Judo
JUDO GI – The judo suit one wears to practise Judo – pants and jacket
OBI – the judo belt
TATAMI – The mats on which one practises Judo
REI – The traditional bow of respect to others or on entering the dojo or the tatami
UCHIKOMI – The repetition of any technique in order to perfect it
TORI – The person applying a technique
UKE – The person receiving the technique
WAZA – A knowledge/skill in some aspect of Judo
UKEMI WAZA – The skill in being able to fall safely
TACHI WAZA – The skill of throwing techniques
OSAEKOMI WAZA – The skill of immobilising an opponent on the ground
KANSETSU WAZA – The skill of locking joints (although only the elbow is permitted)
SHIME WAZA – The skill of strangling or choking
RANDORI – Free practice – either standing or in groundwork
SHIAI -Contest – as in competition
HAJIME! – Begin!
MATTE! -Stop!
MAITTA! -“I give up” or “I am beaten”
SENSEI – One’s coach or instructor (literally, ‘ one who has gone before’)
KYU GRADE – The grades leading up to brown belt (the last of which is 1st Kyu)
DAN GRADE -The grades from black belt upwards (the first of which is Shodan)
KATA – The formal demonstration of various aspects of Judo by 2 judoka in the roles of Tori and Uke. There are 7 katas of Judo.